Sterilization & Disinfection
- Microorganisms can be found anywhere
- There must be a way to get ride of them
Is the freeing of an article from all living organisms , including viable spores i.e Sterilization is killing or removal of all Microorganisms.
Is partial freeing of an article from harmful microorganisms.
i.e. is removal of many (not all), microorganism. e.g spores
- Disinfection is done whenever we cant do sterilization, the best example is the human organs.
- Disinfection decreases the chances of infection.
Methods of Sterilization & Disinfection
- Physical Agents
- Chemical Agents
- Mechanical Removal Methods
- physical methods,
- chemical methods,
- filtration
- radiation.
1. P hysical methods
- Dry heat
- Moist heat
Dry heat
Methods of dry heat:
- Flaming
- Hot air oven
- Incineration
Red heat
(flaming): Sterilize the metal objects
like bacteriologic loops.
Hot air oven:
Temperature used
- 180 C for ½ hour or
- 170º C for 1 hour
- Or 160 C for 2 hours .
Incineration: Get rid of all disposal products in hospitals or factories
B. Moist heat:
- Autoclave: steam under pressure to raise the temperature to 121 C at 15-17 psi for at least 15 minutes.
- At this elevated temperature all living cells, including endospores and viruses, are killed.
- Saturated steam under pressure.
- Cheap & nontoxic
- Penetrates fabric
- Method of choice for all items except those which are moisture or heat sensitive.
4 parameters of
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Time
- Steam
Air must be removed
and steam must reach the item for required time at required temperature
Mechanism of action:
- It acts by microbial death due to the denaturation of proteins.
Use to sterilize
- Textiles: This includes cotton, thread, synthetic fibers, etc.
- Metals: This includes instruments, sinks, kidney trays, drum trays, etc.
- Glass or crystal
- Liquids: This refers to distilled water and pharmacological solutions
- Heat-resistant rubbers and plastics .
Sterilization is carried out mainly at
- 1210C, 15 lb/in2 for 15-20 min
- Or 1340C, 30 lb/in2 for 3 min
Autoclave: Tests for efficiency
A. Chemical tapes
B. Physical
- Digital
- Graphs
A. Fluids:
- Used for sterilization of theatres for 43 hours
- Can kill tetanus bacteria
- The concept is to have filter with pores smaller than bacteria.
- Used for fluids (blood ,Plasma, serum, reagents , intravenous fluids ,hormones enz…etc) because they may be affected by heat.
Ionizing Radiation (g rays):
- Kills microbes by damaging DNA
- Used to sterilize plastic equipments like syringe & catheters
- Physical methods (moist heat)
- Filtration
- Radiation.
- Chemical methods
1. Physical methods (moist heat)
- boiling
- Pasteurization
At 100ºC is called Boiling, not efficient because it can’t kill the endospores & some bacterial toxins. e.g: boilers .
- Below 100ºC to prevent denaturation of proteins .
- Heating followed by rapid cooling then heating again.
- used to get rid of organisms that transmitted by milk like :
- brucella sp ,coxiella sp ,mycobacterium bovis.
Done by 2 methods:
- flash method: 72 c for 20 seconds
- holder method: 63c for 30 minutes
- HEPA FILTER: high efficacy particulate air filter.
- Ultra violet
Reduce the number of micro organism to the
- Natural: The Sun.
- Artificial: UV lamps
For disinfection of : operating theatre and theatre equipment's.
Disinfectants : are chemical solutions used to clean
inanimate objects
Antiseptics : are chemical solutions used for application to living tissues.
1- Alcohol
2- phenols
- Iodine 1% is good for skin but it leaves stain
- Used in surgery
4- Chlorine
- Hypochlorite salts.
- Used to disinfect water.
- Clorox is used to disinfect kitchen &
5- peroxide
- Called oxygen in the market.
- Used to disinfect injuries
- Oral & ear wash
6- Formaldehyde & Glutaraldehyde
- Formaldehyde, which is available as a 37% solution in
water (Formalin), denatures proteins and nucleic acids.
Glutaraldehyde is 10 times more
effective than formaldehyde and is less toxic. In hospitals, it is used to Disinfect
endoscope , respiratory therapy equipment
7- Heavy Metals
- Mercury and silver
- Mercury is used as skin antiseptics.
- Silver nitrate drops
- Silver sulfadiazine is used to prevent infection of burn wounds.
8- others
- Soap
- Chlorohexidine for oral wash to prevent infections
- Combinations
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